2020 - 3 Months In.

Wow what can I say, 2020 has been a crazy year so far. At the time of writing this we are in March and honestly feel like we have been on a rollercoaster of crazy events and life experiences so far this year.

As we are based in Australia we have been struggling with the bushfires of ‘Black Summer’ here in Oz. For the most part of last year (2019) where we are based in the Bega valley we were relatively safe, however at the beginning of the new year the fires began to flair up down here on the NSW far south coast. The fires were surrounding our area with evacuations in place for many of the communities in the Bega Vally Shire. Thankfully we personally here were safe and remained out of harms way, unfortunately the same can’t be said for many people and animals around us.

The events that have unfolded over the course of summer has been a very stark reminder and example of the dangerous side effects of climate change and not managing the environment safely and responsibly. Living in a more rural area I have been so amazed at the extreme opposite views that many people here have of climate change and the denial that they have. For a community that largely relies on the environment for their livelihood they are incredibly blind and ‘head in the sand’ to the current issues that we face. It is incredibly unfortunate that Climate Change and the sustainable movement that just makes sense isn’t unfortunately common sense for most people and has become politicised and that unfortunately has the effect of making people blinded to the very real and present danger.

For the most part I really can’t see the downsides of living sustainably and looking out for the planet. It really never ceases to amaze me the amount of religious people that are the biggest deniers. They constantly just say “Oh its all in God’s hands” “Man thinks he has any control over the weather?”. It is incredibly sad to see that people that are ‘supposed’ to uphold certain values and should be looking out for and looking after ‘God’s Creation’ that is Earth are behaving is such Neanderthal ways for no apparent reason. I really can’t see what the downsides are to living more sustainable and having more care on the environment, after all this earth that we have been put on is the only place we have, why not look after it?

Currently at the time of writing this blog post I am at home in self isolation as I currently have the flu and we have the world pandemic happening of CaronaVirus (COVID19). The media has been playing a very big part in getting things very front and centre of peoples minds and creating the panic that has been making people go out and panic buy things such as Toilet Paper, Pasta, Rice etc.. It is really upsetting how in the year 2020 people can be behaving like a wild pack of animals and be so greedy that even the virus has more plan and structure than these people freaking out and causing harm to those that are actually in need. The world at the moment has a very real problem with personal greed and a severe lack of care for anyone other than themselves.

I am sorry that this blog post seams very dreary and angry it is just some topics that are very much close to our heart and understanding. One of the benefits that I have noticed that people have been going to nurseries and Bunnings and purchasing (unfortunately still panic buying at times) seedlings of leafy greens such as lettuce and different herbs and veggies. The benefit that this can have of people living a more self sustainable life by growing some food at home, if they are able, is always going to help relieve the strain on society in times of need like we are facing now. Doing these things in the long run is going to be better for the individual as they are able to be more self sufficient and not impacted as drastically by world events like we are currently facing.

We have a little collection of photos that are relating to this blog post from the last few months.