Hello beans 😃 well it’s been a while since I have posted anything on my website or done anything much other than work. Since moving back to Australia from the Middle East I have been doing some odd photography jobs here and there.
Moving back after being overseas for 10 years has been the biggest adjustment and the most difficult thing getting back into it all here in Australia. I would say there has almost been bigger culture shock moving back to Australia than when I moved over to the UAE. Things have moved on here more so in family and friends and the mindset of not just them but myself included, not in a negative way but just a natural progression.
So when I moved back to Australia my sister and I moved to the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia. 🌴 I initially was doing some photography work for my cousin and doing online training however there just wasn’t really enough routine in my life for it to be sustainable. After a couple of months mum and dad ended up back here in Australia living with my sister and I while dad was looking for some more work. Things took an unexpected twist and turn and to cut a very long winding story short I ended up finding my self moving down to the NSW far south coast. I began working in a steel warehouse selling various steel for projects large and small for the far south coast region. At this time Dad ended up getting a job back overseas so mum and dad moved overseas and I found myself living with my 95 year old Nana 👵 in a little town called Bega. It is a well know farming area and town for its cheese, creatively called Bega Cheese 🧀 lol.
With mum and dad moving back overseas I was offered a design position in one of my aunt and uncles kitchen businesses. So that is where I am currently working based in Pambula on the NSW far south coast also called the Sapphire Coast. My current work is a different avenue to that of photography and architecture and design however it’s a right side closer to that than a steel warehouse. 😃😉
My daily drive 30min from Bega to Pambula has actually become a great solace for me to think and have some time to plan and process ideas in my head and set some goals. The work has been very full on and so what of a steep learning curve but very rewarding in seeing the finished products. Working for my cousin however has been an amazing experience and I couldn’t ask for a better boss. ❤️
I am now wrong this blog post from up on the Gold Coast as I have ventured back up to the Gold Coast to stay with my sister for Christmas 🎄 and the New Year. 🥳
Speaking of my sister she has ended up getting engaged to a guy from New Zealand 🇳🇿 and this is how I began writing my blog again and attempting to get out from my self placed rock that I have been living under. We were going for a walk through the rainforests in the hinterlands up behind the GC yesterday and we were chatting about photography and design and other passions and my sister fiancé asked if I wrote a blog and I said to him that I did have a blog and website with all the tools there to actually write a blog and and elaborate on my passions and work.
So for that reason I am getting back into working on my blog posts and website and all areas of my life and passions. I hope to have you all along for the journey. xxx ❤️
Here is a little pic of us walking in the rainforest yesterday